Top Ten Responders

??? 244
Phil Thompson 213
Alan Miller 195
Thomas Thornbury 188
Alex Gong 168
Oleg Rolbin 157
Peter Bellone Jr 139
Kyle Rakovitsky 122
Larry Kaplan 113
Roman Yakubov 103
Tom Thornbury 244
Phil Thompson 228
Alan Miller 222
Alex Gong 203
??? 197
Oleg Rolbin 169
Roman Yakubov 136
Jordan Bosse 133
Peter Bellone III 107
Mark Zurakovski 95
Alex Gong 248
Tom Thornbury 228
Phil Thompson 205
Alan Miller 180
Pete Bellone Jr 176
Roman Yakubov 143
Oleg Rolbin 134
Mark Zurakovski 112
Jordan Bosse 111
Emily Okun 101
Alex Gong 263
Phil Thompson 223
Tom Thornbury 214
Peter Bellone Jr 208
Tom Hiltner 142
Roman Yakubov 132
Jordan Bosse 132
Sarah Abdelhady 111
Kathy Gong 106
Oleg Rolbin 101
Sandy Goldstein 308
Alex Gong 259
Phil Thompson 225
Tom Thornbury 208
Sankrit Kapoor 199
Peter Bellone Jr. 188
Alan Miller 188
Roman Yakubov 124
Scott Alter 110
Jordan Bosse 99
Sandy Goldstein 280
Phil Thompson 184
Peter Bellone Jr. 175
Alan Miller 164
Jordan Bosse 145
Tom Thornbury 142
Tim Smith 126
Alex Gong 107
Roman Yakubov 104
Scott Alter 89
Sandy Goldstein 174
Phil Thompson 148
Peter Bellone Jr. 145
Alan Miller 117
Jordan Bosse 107
Erik Meskin 99
Tim Smith 76
Alex Gong 73
Vincent Lau 71
Bruce Bandler 70
Sandy Goldstein 338
Alan Miller 268
Jordan Bosse 192
Travis Lamberson 140
Peter Bellone Jr. 127
Vincent Lau 125
Phil Thompson 111
Erik Meskin 109
Adriana Gomez 101
Akshay Reddy 83
Sandy Goldstein 342
Jordan Bosse 226
Alan Miller 197
Akshay Reddy 129
Phil Thompson 127
Erik Meskin 123
Peter Bellone Jr. 114
Peter Bellone III 114
Vincent Lau 113
Travis Lamberson 112
Sandy Goldstein 331
Erik Meskin 219
Jordan Bosse 216
Travis Lamberson 178
Alan Miller 178
Peter Bellone Jr. 132
Peter Bellone III 131
Tim Smith 108
Phil Thompson 103
Ed Dobrosky 91
Travis Lamberson 310
Jordan Bosse 273
Erik Meskin 248
Peter Bellone III 214
Alan Miller 198
Peter Bellone Jr 192
Phil Thompson 170
Ed Dobrosky 112
Bill Tanzer 100
Tim Smith 96
Travis Lamberson 437
Erik Meskin 340
Jordan Bosse 334
Alan Miller 289
Peter Bellone III 271
Evan Green 185
Ed Dobrosky 161
Henry Yan 160
Phil Thompson 156
Peter Bellone Jr. 135


Every year a list of the Top Ten Responders is created.  This list represents the Top Ten Responders to calls for that year.  While the Top 5 members in hours represents those each month that have ridden the most hours, this is the most number of calls. They usually are very similar. but not always.  Good job team!